Friday, March 10, 2006

NMC Weekly Update - March 10th


Hafa Adai, Tirow, and Greetings from Northern Marianas College!

Here are the highlighted articles for this week:

New Computers for NMC

This week a truckload of new computers were delivered to NMC. The computers were purchased for a new student lab through the Title III Grant- Strengthening Institutions. Beginning next fall students will have access to 2 student labs on campus from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m., Monday – Friday, and 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Some of these computers will be sent to Tinian and Rota for student’s use.

This is just part of Learning Technology at NMC. Through Title III funds, Information and Learning Technology has also purchased faculty laptops, projectors for all classrooms as well as a new faculty and student email system. This is just a part of Information & Learning Technology’s work behind the scenes. More Title III projects are planned throughout the coming year that will help further strengthen our institution.

Nutrition Fair

NMC-CREES was once again asked by the Division of Youth Services to present on healthy living at the recently held Parent Leadership Conference. Polly Omechelang, Patricia Coleman, and work-study student Kimberly Pinaula conducted an interactive Power Point presentation on the importance of being physically active and establishing healthy eating behaviors early on in life. In addition to the Power Point presentation, a visual demonstration of the number of teaspoons of fat and sugar in popular foods and beverages such as soda pop, boxed juice drinks, luncheon meat, instant soba, chips, and candy was also shown. Participants were shocked at the amount of fat and sugar in some of their favorite foods and were asked to name foods that they could purchase instead of the aforementioned. Over 200 parents and school administrators attended the conference. The public is invited to the Nutrition Fair on Saturday, March 11th, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Koblerville Field (near the fire substation).

NMC Rota Charter Week Event

NMC Rota is happy to announce to the college community the up-coming events that will culminate with the celebration of the college’s Charter Day.

Rota campus will be having a Health Walk on Saturday, March 25th 2006. The walk will start at 6:00 am from Rota Resort parking lot and will end at Pinatang Park in Songsong Village.

The local community and health organizations are all invited to this event. There will be a nurse to check your blood pressure. Also, healthy refreshments will be provided by NMC Rota staff and our collaborators the Diabetes Associations of Rota.

On Wednesday, March 29th 2006, we will be having an Environmental Awareness Panel Discussion. Representatives from various local agencies will participate in this important event. The purpose of this event is to bring people together to learn and raise awareness of the environmental hazards that can affect an individual’s health as well as other local and global environmental issues. This issue is very important as NMC Rota campus is not limited to the Tatachog site, but serves the entire island of Rota.

There will be a question and answer session after each panel member completes their presentation. The NMC Rota student body and the science class will be asking questions to the panelist. Attendees will also be able to browse various informational tables that addresses an array of health concerns ranging from environmental protections and sanitations to our water resources, air and more.

Due to the importance of these activities, the college is inviting the local community and government agencies to attend. The local media organizations are also invited to attend and cover these events.

On Friday, March 31st 2006, there will be an island wide clean up. Each department is assigned an area to clean-up. After the clean up, there will be a get together barbecue at Teteto Beach. There will be various fun activities for everyone to enjoy.

Defense Re-Utilization Management Office (DRMO) Guam Donations Arrive on Rota

The Rota campus administrator, staff and Rota Mayor, Joseph S. Inos posed for a picture during the unloading of goods donated by DRMO, Guam. Rota campus is very pleased for Mayor Inos’ assistance in providing the funds to cover the cost of shipping the goods from Guam to Rota. Some of the items will be used by NMC Rota, Rota Public Library, and Office of the Mayor of Rota.

Below: Mr. Frank Norita and Mr. Dwayne Maratita use big arm muscles to unload furniture from the container.

Have A Safe and Wonderful Weekend!


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