Thursday, April 13, 2006

NMC Weekly Update - April 13th


Hafa Adai, Tirowami, Greetings and Happy Easter Everyone!

Here are the highlighted articles of the week:

CNN World Report aired a news story about the usage of "Blogging at NMC as an education tool" in the CNMI. The story was submitted to CNN by KMCV7 News Reporter Tina Chau.The story featured students in Instructor Barry Wicksman's English 84 class. It featured how Blogging is used as an educational tool and how this new technology is helping local and international students master the English language. NMC students were featured in this segment that aired all across the Asia Pacific region via CNN. The story aired last Saturday afternoon on CNN Asia-World Report.This is exciting news and a wonderful publicity coverage for NMC and the CNMI as a whole. Featured as a weekly segment of "Tech Tuesday" which was reported by Tina Chau as a regular news segment on KMCV, and was eventually picked up by CNN. This demonstrates the importance of technology to the rest of the world and reports the hard work and effort of Barry Wicksman to learn to use new technology in his courses to promote effective student learning and motivate his students to learn the English language.

Thank you KMCV for this local and international news coverage. Un sen dangkulu na Si’Yu’us ma’ase!


On April 5, 2006 an official letter from Governor Fitial’s Office was received informing the NMC community of his latest appointment to the Board of Regents. President Emerita Agnes McPhetres declined his initial appointment due to personal reasons. Governor Fitial has now appointed Mrs. Maria “Malua” T. Peter to the Board of Regents. Regent Peter will have to go through the confirmation process pursuant to CNMI statute.

Regent Peter will replace former Board Member Abelina C. Cabrera whose term expired November 14, 2005. Regent Peter will represent the women of the CNMI and Saipan. Regent Peter’s Term expires on November 14, 2009.

We look forward to Regent Peter serving as a member of our Board!

Regent Peter’s appointment fills all vacancies on the Board. We now have a full Board after nearly six months without a quorum. Our Board members are as follows:

  • Chairperson Kimberlyn King-Hinds – Tinian
  • Regent Elaine H. Orilla – Rota
  • Regent Eloise Furey- Saipan
  • Regent Dr. Rita H. Inos- Saipan
  • Regent Linsa Lizama- Saipan/ Carolinian Community
  • Regent Maria T. Peter- Saipan
  • Regent Charles V. Cepeda- Saipan/Business Community


Governor Benigno R. Fitial’s State of the Commonwealth Address, Resident Representative Pedro A. Tenorio’s State of the Washington Office Report, and Lt. Governor Timothy P. Villagomez’s Commonwealth Utilities Special Report will be held on Friday, April 21, 2006 at 10am. The respective public speeches will be held at the Governor Pedro A. Tenorio Multi-Purpose Center in Susupe, Saipan. This is a public event and all are invited to attend!


BOR Chairperson Kim Hinds has called for a BOR Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 3:30pm in the BOR Conference Room. A joint committee meeting will be held on the same day at 10:00 am in the BOR Conference Room. The agenda will have the following items:

  • FY 2007 Appropriation Budget Request- New Business; and
  • Plans to Address FY 2006 Budget Cuts (307K) – Old Business


Recently, the NMC Volunteers Club participated in a clothing and food drive to help support Karidat and the Women's Shelter on Saipan. 14 boxes of clothing were donated to these organizations thanks to the Thai Community of Saipan and NMC’s Faculty and Staff. “On behalf of our entire NMC community, we are very grateful and appreciative to our NMC Volunteers Club and the donors for these community donations,” said NMC President Tony DeLeon Guerrero.


As part of NMC’s Community College Month celebration, our NMC-CREES held an Open House on April 5th and the Open House was a success. The NMC-CREES program people were around to answer questions. The following activities highlighted the CREES Open House: the EFNEP/FSNEP did a food demo and at the same time provided information and gave presentations on the nutritional values of food dishes; Livestock Program did a power point and video presentation on Dry Litter Waste Management; the 4-H/Youth Development opened enrollment for 4-H Club membership and at the same time recruited Adult Volunteer leaders to help out in the many youth activities, the Aquaculture Program had a display of shrimps and tilapias and had one of their staff available to take interested individuals for a tour in our nursery; the CRD Program had educational handouts on Youth Money Management and Legal Aspects Facing Older Adults in the CNMI; and our NMC-CREES Entomology Program had a variety of insects displayed and their display attracted so many college students. Collectively, the displays and exhibitions provided our college community members and the general public an opportunity to communicate with NMC-CREES staff members.

The Acting Director, Margarita D. Tudela was very pleased with the successful turnout and stated that the success of the NMC-CREES Open House was as a result of the hard work put in by Mr. Ross Manglona, Acting Associate Director, Ms. Joanne Ogo, who is the main coordinator, and of course all the NMC-CREES program people and support staff. She also wanted to acknowledge the NMC-CREES volunteers for their hard work. They are Ms. Cathy Bowen, Mr. Kelvin Aldan and Mr. Alex Martin.

NMC President Tony DeLeon Guerrero expressed his sincerest gratitude to all the NMC-CREES staff by saying “the entire NMC community is grateful for all the planning and coordination to ensure a successful Open House and that the positive publicity that this event generated will enhance greater community appreciation on NMC’s programs and services.”


To promote greater awareness of NMC’s programs and services, the ASNMC, in conjunction with Counseling Programs and Services and the Office of Student Activities and Leadership, hosted over 60 students and Counselors from Mount Carmel School, Marianas Baptist Academy and Calvary Christian Academy here on April 7, 2006 for the High School Visitation Program. The students took an extensive tour of the campus and learned a great deal about all the departments and course offerings here at NMC. Speakers from each department shared relevant information about the excellent programs and services available to students here at Northern Marianas College and were treated to lunch with NMC students and staff members in the Student Center.


To view the April 5th Graduation committee minutes as well as the schedule of future GRAD committee meetings, please go to
If you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to contact Ms. Doris Aldan-Atalig at 234-5498, extensions 1523 or 1524.


The BΛΨ Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society held their Induction Ceremony on April 8, 2006 at the Student Center in Building J. The entire NMC community wishes to congratulate the newest inducted members and officers. They include:

Full Members:
Amanda B. Angel
Maria Christina E. Ano
Roxanna A. Arriola
Patrick Castillon
Jean M. Duenas
Jacklyn E. Echon
Justina W. Foster
Leah M. Hocog
Dean A. Manglona

Joleen T. Salas
Elsa N. Yoshida

Provisional Members:
Sandra Lynn M. Arnold
Karen T. Cabrera
Nanette A. Magallanes
Francine D. Pangelinan
Ann Marie S. Satur

Chapter Officers for 2006-2007:
President: Lee Castro
Vice-President: Rose Marie Jones
Sec. of Public Relations: Joleen T. Salas
Sec. of Recording: Leah M. Hocog
Sec. of Membership: Elsa N. Yoshida
Treasurer: Jacklyn E. Echon

If you see these students, please take time to congratulate them for their academic honor. The entire NMC community also wishes to extend our sincere appreciation to Dr. Debra Cabrera, Larry Lee and Frank Sobolewski for their assistance in serving as Advisors to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.


Electronic versions of the following recent NMC publications have been placed in the N-drive Public Folder, under Institutional Effectiveness:

  • Strategic Plan 2006-2010 (in folder: Strategic Plan 2006-2010)
  • Revised Institutional Assessment Plan (in folder: Institutional Assessment Plan)
  • FY 2005 Annual Report for P.L. 5-32 – 10-66 (in folder: P.L 5-32 – 10-66)
  • FY 2005 NMC Annual Report (in folder: Annual Reports)
  • AY 2004-2005 Performance Report, Part I (in folder: Performance Reports)

These NMC planning documents and institutional reports will also be available at NMC Online and hard copies may be obtained from the Office of the President.


In recent days, our NMC Foundation has been receiving a lot of press coverage for its 4th Annual NMC Foundation Open. Registration is on going and is open to the first 150 golfers that register and pay to participate. For registration forms and payment centers, interested golfers may visit Triple J Motors, Century Hotel, and NMC’s President’s Office.

The golf tournament is scheduled for 7:00 a.m. (Shotgun start) on Saturday, April 22nd at the Laolao Bay West Course.

If you are interested in helping and volunteering for the golf tournament, please contact Mark Mendiola at ext. 1050 or email to him at Thank you in advance!

The NMC Foundation Golf Committee encourages all avid golfers to sign-up and participate in this annual event! There are many tournament prizes and door prizes up for grabs. The Foundation looks forward to a successful fundraising and friendraising event!

Have a Wonderful Easter Weekend!


Blogger Volunteer Guy said...

Do you have the links to the students' blogs? Are they using blogger?

4:49 PM  

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