NMC Weekly Update - October 23rd
Hafa adai, tirowami and greetings everyone!
WASC Team Concludes Site Visit and Presents Oral Report to the College
The twelve members of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Visiting Accreditation Team presented their oral report to the Northern Marianas College community Thursday afternoon through team chair Dr. Guy Lease, President of Lake Tahoe Community College in California.
Dr. Lease told the assembled students, faculty, and staff that the purpose of the report was to share the team’s preliminary findings and recommendations for institutional improvement for both the associate and baccalaureate degree programs of NMC.
He thanked all those who had assisted the team in its work on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota and pointed out that team members conducted more than 60 meetings with individuals and groups involving students, faculty, staff, and administrators. The higher education officials and instructors visited classrooms and labs, public elementary schools with NMC student teachers, and even with Acting Gov. Timothy P. Villagomez and several legislators and administration officials.
The California educator said the group began studying NMC weeks ago, reading the institution’s current 300-plus page self-study report, which he called “unusually candid,” as well as the college catalog, prior visiting mission reports and self-studies, and numerous other accreditation-related documents.
Dr. Lease, however, noted that, although NMC committed to do so 16 years ago, the college still has not established a process for regular program review and assessment, saying the group experienced “deep disappointment” that the institution has not made significant progress in doing so.
He pointed out that the team was impressed by the college’s student services personnel. He said they were going “above and beyond” their regular duties to establish a unique and caring learning for students. Lease added that the NMC School of Education had established student learning outcomes (a major accreditation consideration in assessing academic programs) for all its courses and was making a significant attempt to integrate them in all its educational endeavors.
The team chair said that, although some legislators believe the college has strayed from its mission in some areas, much of the problem is due to a need to better communicate college activities to the legislature while paying better attention to members’ concerns. Dr. Lease said, “You’re doing too good a job in too many areas for this to be a problem.”
The accreditation team leader then presented a list of recommendations the group will present to the WASC junior and senior commissions for consideration when assessing NMC’s application for reaffirmation of its accreditation:
--establish a revised plan to integrate a shared vision of the institution’s future which will guide resource needs planning and resource allocation;
--“reiterate with utmost seriousness” the 2000 recommendation that NMC establish and maintain a coordinated, systematic process to review program effectiveness, including learning outcomes for all programs, and objective measures for student performance;
--establish quality assessment for instruction through distance education and evaluate alternate delivery systems;
--develop measures to integrate student learning outcomes into program development and assessment and act on assessment findings;
--establish a plan for the use of technology in instruction, evaluate its effectiveness, and ensure it has adequate support;
--realign budget priorities to reflect changes in funding availability; and
--develop and implement a plan for the renovation of college facilities.
The team also had specific recommendations for the NMC School of Education (SOE):
--clarify student learning outcome evidence in program design;
--monitor workload restrictions for faculty;
--recognize work on grant and program development as part of faculty workload;
--conduct a Board of Regents review of the baccalaureate program within the campus learning environment;
--ensure the faculty works to build a positive working relationship with the various levels of the public school system;
--review the use of distance education in SOE instruction.
Under WASC rules, the team conducted no question and answer session, nor was Dr. Lease allowed to leave a copy of his remarks.
Following the team’s oral report, the members exited the college meeting room en route to returning to their homes in California.
NMC Teachers Honored in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
The Acting President received a letter from Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers informing the college that the following NMC faculty members will be honored in this year’s edition of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers®, 2005/2006: Ms. Cyndy S. Tice, Ms. Brante C. Dashiell, Mr. Samuel McPhetres, Ms. Margarita D. Tudela, Mr. Tony Flores, Dr. Debra T. Cabrera and Ms. Brenda L. Schultz. This is such an honor because these teachers have been chosen by the community as the most influential educators within our institution.
When Dr. Debra Cabrera was asked to comment as one of the faculty members who will be honored, she said “Recognition for something you love to do is a great honor. NMC students challenge and inspire us as teachers, and we can only hope that we do the same for them. I am personally grateful for this acknowledgement, and for the privilege to be a part of the students’ learning experience.”
Congratulations and we are all proud to celebrate with you the achievements of our nation’s most respected teachers!
Congratulations to the 2006 Framingham State College Graduates!
Congratulations and a job well done to all for obtaining your Masters Degree in Education from Framingham State College! The following employees of NMC were among the 45 recipients who formally received their Master’s Degree in Education on October 7, 2006 at the Multipurpose Center in Susupe:
Mr. Ross Hugh Manglona (CREES)
Ms. Jane M. Tudela (Upward Bound)
Ms. Veronica M. Palacios (Upward Bound)
Ms. Joan T. Dubrall (CDI)
Ms. Elsie P. Cabrera (ABE)
Ms. Maria H. Aguon (NMC Tinian)
In congratulatory letters sent out to the NMC employees, Acting President Danny Wyatt wrote, “You have exemplified the meaning of motivation, dedication, and determination. Your hard work has brought you to this rewarding moment of achievement and accomplishment. You are truly a living educational example that will undoubtedly be a beacon for young aspiring students and career employees at NMC. Our NMC community is proud of your leadership and accomplishments. On behalf of the entire NMC family, I congratulate you and look forward to your continued contributions!”
New Officers for ASNMC
The Associated Students of Northern Marianas College held their swearing in ceremony on October 13, 2006 for the following newly elected officers:
President- Ms. Rose Jones
Vice President- Mr. Ronald Averion
Secretary- Ms. Queanna Sablan
Treasurer- Ms. Connie Cepeda
(From left to right: Front row: Jeanette Villagomez (Dean of Student Services), Rose Jones (President of ASNMC), Connie Cepeda (Treasurer) and Larry Lee (Advisor to ASNMC); Back row: Queanna Sablan, (Secretary); Ronald Averion (Vice President) and Danny Wyatt (Acting President of NMC). Congratulations to our new ASNMC officers! We look forward to working with all of you!
NMC Students Take Seats in Youth Congress
Koryo High School Students Tour NMC Campus (Saipan)
26 students and 3 teachers from Koryo High School (KHS) in Japan visited NMC on October 16, 2006. NMC’s Community Development Institute (CDI) coordinated a campus tour of the college. The tour included a presentation of NMC on video and a lecture by Mr. Sam McPhetres on the history of the CNMI.
School trips for KHS 2nd-year students were arranged by JTB, a travel agency of Japan, where a total of 360 students were divided into four groups with one group visiting the CNMI for the first time.
During their stay they will also visit historical sites on Saipan and Tinian and will participate in several activities to experience the wonderful nature of our islands.
News From the Saipan Linux Users Group (SLUG)
The Saipan Tribune article on David Rumptz’s Linux Classes was featured on Linux Online, a website widely read in Linux circles.
To his surprise, 30 people showed up to his Linux class last week. He felt sad that he did not have enough computers to go around to everyone but he is trying to bring back some of the old166s for students who are interested. Students have mentioned that they will bring their computers to the class so that the Debian software can be installed. Classes will end this week, as there will be no more computers left after that. David thought in the beginning when only 3 people showed up on the first day of class that he would not have enough interested people. Now he is certain that offering Linux classes through CDI will be successful. Linux has definitely hit Saipan, thanks to David and the students and staff who helped him out.
To those of you who were not able to get a computer, David said, “do not worry, the Saipan Linux Group (SLUG) will be around to help all out. I am hoping to have an install fest (people bring in old computers to install Linux on) soon as a part of the SLUG. There will be a longer course through CDI and the Slug is there to support Linux on island.” Thanks Dave! You’ve done an outstanding job introducing Linux to the community!
Argosy University Conducts Free Information Session on Business Completion Program
Lisa Parker, Chair of the Undergraduate Programs at Argosy University, conducted a free information session on completing the Business Program at NMC on Saturday, October 14, 2006. Topics included: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Completion Program in Saipan; BSBA classes currently in session in Saipan; Applications accepted for Fall II (classes begin on 10/26); Courses offered onsite in Saipan & Honolulu, as well as, via online; and information on financial aid & the admissions process.
To learn more, please contact Argosy University’s Admissions Office toll-free at 888-323-2777, x5214 or email to Hawaii@argosyu.edu.
Interclub Council Meeting on October 25, 2006
There will be an Interclub Council meeting this week Wednesday @ 11:00 a.m. in the Student Center’s computer lab. If you have not completed a club application form, please stop by the Associated Students of the Northern Marianas College (ASNMC) office to complete one before their next meeting. The Interclub Council is requesting for at least one member from each club to be present.
For more information, please contact ASNMC at 234-5498, ext. 1252, email: asnmc@nmcnet.edu or visit their office at the Student Center in Bldg. J.
Order Your Regalia Today!
All orders should be turned in to Mr. Robert Suzuki at the NMC Bookstore. The latest date to place orders will be during the last week of February 2007. Please provide the following information for your orders:
Regalia for Masters Degree (Need to know Institution, Degree & Major, Height & Weight)
Cap, Gown, Tassel: $35.00
Hood: $35.00
For Fine Quality Regalia for Masters and Ph. D’s (8 weeks needed)
Go on-line and order through Jostens website and you will get 25% off.
Regalia for Bachelors Degree (Need to know Institution, Degree & Major, Height & Weight)
Cap, Gown, Tassel: $38.00
Hood: $38.00
**Gown: Black; Hood: Based on university where degree is obtained, Tassel: Based on degree
Regalia for Associates Degree (Need to know Height & Weight)
Cap, Gown, Tassel: $38.00
**Gown: NMC School Color
If you have any questions, please call Robert at ext.1302
Have a safe and wonderful week NMC!